Great summary and analysis - I’m completely with you on Lively’s miscalculated PR moves.

I do wonder a bit about the appropriateness of the interviewer’s question: ““If someone understands the themes of this movie, comes across you in public, and they wanna really talk to you, what’s the best way for them to be able to talk to you about this? How would you recommend they go about it?, Hamilton asks.”

Is it reasonable to expect an actor to welcome and respond to random people just coming up to them in public or trying to DM them, wanting to discuss DV? More importantly, how likely is it that advice from an actor is going to be appropriate support for the person who might be asking?

In most cases, actors are performers, not experts on the topic whose opinions and advice should be trusted.

The better answer would seem to be for actors to refer people to an expert, trustworthy source of guidance about DV. The idea of an interviewer encouraging people to rely on an actor for advice about an issue as serious as DV seems misguided.

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I agree that actors shouldn’t be expected to be experts or therapists but I do think it’s reasonable for them to be able to suggest a support group

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That was an incredibly stupid question. She is Blake Lively. You can't talk to her about anything. Call a therapist.

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Aug 30Liked by Rachel Richardson

At first watch, I thought the interview with Flaa was cringe and terrible on Blake’s part but upon second watch, I was wondering if Blake had just done multiple interviews where the very first questions she was asked were not about her acting or role but about her pregnancy and costumes (the latter which she had no agency in likely). Maybe it caught her at a bad, frustrated time.

And then for the interviewer to release for the sole purpose of stirring up more hate for this woman… idk that ALSO seems like a mean girl move but more calculated, a move years in the making.

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Agree it was a stone cold move on behalf of Flaa

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It doesn’t mean Blake wasn’t completely rude.

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What a bizarre controversy. Blake Lively is a famous actor, not an expert in domestic violence. What would even have been a good answer to that interview question? I mean if you are a victim and you want to talk to someone, contacting Blake Lively would be pretty stupid. Don't do that! People are mad she launched a fashion line and wore floral dresses? Again she is an actor. Being famous from movies and using that fame to launch other things is what they do. This is all incredibly silly.

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I find myself a bit confused here, as well. The movie is...entertainment. It is not a documentary. If it had been a graphic portrayal of DV instead of a fluffier one, what would the critics be saying about it? The movie Blake Lively made is representative of the book. I agree that some of the marketing was cringe (grab your girls and your florals, or whatever the line was, seems like a weird thing to say) but at the end of the day, the movie was made to provide entertainment value. There's not just one way to make a movie about DV, and to try to say that this movie did it the wrong way seems out of touch. You don't have to agree with it, but not every movie about DV is going to be the same, and if they were, wouldn't people be complaining about that, too? It's also unreasonable for people to think Lively should be anything other than an actress promoting a movie with regard to her press talks. I think it's asking too much of her. What the critics seem to want from her is something that would come from an actress promoting a different movie. As for the hair care line...what would have been an acceptable time for her to start promoting it that wouldn't get her criticized?

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She shouldn’t take on the movie if she doesn’t have some understanding of the subject matter. Agree she shouldn’t be “contacted” but I’m fairly certain that want the literal meaning of the question.

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> If someone understands the themes of this movie, comes across you in public, and they wanna really talk to you, what’s the best way for them to be able to talk to you about this?

There is no other way to read that question other than literally contact. I have no idea what else it could possibly mean.

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Yes! I listened to an Aussie podcast and they kind of white knighted for Blake and defended her wanting control over the movie but I'm not sure I'm buying it. Also doesn't she quite famously not drink alcohol? Canned cocktails? Is she serious?

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Aug 31Liked by Rachel Richardson

The whole canned cocktails thing KILLS ME

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It’s a flex for sure

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She does not drink alcohol!

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“From a PR perspective it is Lively’s darkest hour and yet It End With Us is crushing it at the box office.”

Wouldn’t that be evidence that from a PR perspective it is not, in fact, her darkest hour?

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Aug 27Liked by Rachel Richardson

Not knowing at all who Molly-Mae is... are those headlines serious?

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Yes they are!!!!!

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Aug 25Liked by Rachel Richardson

Or she knows exactly what she is doing and drawing a ton of attention to the movie....

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Aug 18Liked by Rachel Richardson

Thank you for recapping all the drama on this. I’ve seen it bubbling about, but was lost. 🙃 Am meant to see the film tomorrow and now feel prepared to engage. First, tho, I will rabbit hole the press tour and OD on Blake’s questionable floral frocks.

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exhausted after the eras tour is so real. i was so so wiped out. and not even on stage??? she’s wild.

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Sep 1·edited Sep 4Author

I do not believe I have yet recovered!

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Aug 30Liked by Rachel Richardson

There’s another interesting take that I’ve read from other sources who say they/Blake are wrapping it like a cute rom-com because there is so much silence and fear around DV that women wouldn’t see it/‘be allowed’ to. This way they get women together and perhaps create a safe space of awareness where they can start a dialogue.

Regardless if it’s intentional or not, her using this movie as a launch pad for haircare along with her and her husband promoting one another seems like contrary action considering the theme.

The director promoting the movie for what it is, as a man in the world, will have major influence and impact tho. Studies have shown over and over again that people are more likely to listen to men.

Lastly, Thanks for this enjoyable recap! Well written 🍿🍿🍿

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thank you Ashley

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Sep 4Liked by Rachel Richardson

This was an interesting and imo valid critique; as someone who hasn't read anything by Colleen H. (and probably won't tbh), I came to know about the movie from the trailer promotions on Pinterest and even from that, I had no real idea what the movie was about. It was only when I heard about the uproar that I realised it was about dv; if I'd bought gone to watch it on a whim, it probably have given me whiplash cos there is a definite dissonance between her promo tour and the subject matter/focus of the movie.

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Can you imagine if Social Media existed when “Pretty Woman” came out?

I’m disappointed in people feeling entitled to express how they’re “disappointed” in _______________.


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Aug 18·edited Aug 18Author

Never has a floral dress caused so much trouble! I hear the film is actually decent but the competing visions - fun v serious - are apparently present! Let me know what you think!

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Unless, of course, she doesn't care enough about what you think about her aesthetic & PR choices to make her change them 🧐

She's an actress and businesswoman & promoter, not a DV advocate, in case you haven't noticed.

And by your own evaluation she's been successful.

Which makes this article really about you, not her - your projections and your reaction 🧐

Which is actually kind of boring. Will mute.

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Clickbait. We are now all dumber for having read this.

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she just sounds like a celebrity who learned about feminism talking points from IG slideshow (being interviewed about your clothes BAD, being asked to "perform emotional labor" aka discuss DV because you're the star of a DV film) so she's not testing for size her responses. She is probably waiting for a piece that celebrates how she "claps back"

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